International Women’s Day – What #BreakTheBias Means To HETAS Registrants?
For International Women’s Day, this year’s theme is #BreakTheBias, and we saw this as an opportunity to showcase some of the women within the industry, which is traditionally seen as a male-dominated sector.
We are proud to support women as an employer and through our registration schemes and feel it is important to continue to highlight all voices to progress as an industry.
The registrants and team members were asked for a photo and what #BreakTheBias means to them.
HETAS Training Centres
Jenna – Specflue

Being a mum of a 14 year old daughter, Break The Bias means a lot to me for her future.
I want my daughter to grow up in a world where she doesn’t have to listen to anyone say she isn’t capable because of her gender, age or emotions.
I truly believe Education needs to play a massive part in this. We can all be as good as each other.
Jayne – Windhager

We need to empower women to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.
Abigail – Thermal Earth

As a woman working in a male dominated industry and workplace, breaking the bias to me simply means coming to work every day. I challenge the gender stereotypes a little everyday through my knowledge, personal skills and determination to succeed. I celebrate women’s achievements and am proud to be a positive role model for women in or looking to break into this industry.
HETAS Approved Chimney Sweeps
Emma – Sparkling Flues

With International women’s day coming I do think it is important to recognise the great achievements that woman have gained within the construction industry.
I entered the industry around 8 years ago, and did find it daunting at the time due to being a male dominated sector. I faced numerous comments, but rose above it and have now grown a successful chimney sweeping business covering Manchester. We are proud and privileged to be currently undertaking a large project at the Grade 1 listed building Manchester Town Hall as part of the restoration works, and working with numerous construction companies.
My daughter Jess is also a registered chimney sweep following the completion of her training last year to become the youngest ever member at the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps, she is presently studying at college to become a Construction Project Manager. She works with us on the construction site. I’m so proud that she has chosen the construction sector to pursue her career.
In 2019, I was nominated at the Women of the Year Awards in London, achieved best van award in the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps, I became a trainer at the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps and I am now to be elected on to the Board of Directors at the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps on the 26th February 2022. Overall, it is good to see that the industry is recognising women and you can achieve success. With a good attitude, hard hat and a good of coffee you can do it!
Bethan – Calon Lân

Leaving the Corporate world behind and it’s varying forms of bias and truly believing in myself, my own self-worth, health and happiness. Working within the Solid Fuel industry as a trained Professional Chimney Sweep for just over 3.5 years has undoubtedly been life changing and has most definitely been the best decision of my professional career to date.
In the words of Audrey Hepburn ‘Nothing is impossible the word itself says I’m Possible’. #BreakTheBias ladies and wholeheartedly believe in yourself.
Katie – Katie Sweep

What ‘break the bias’ means to me…
After nearly 15 years of being a professional chimney sweep, I am still a little surprised that people are amazed that myself and the Katie Sweep Team are ‘’Women Sweeps!!!’ … Imagine that! Women have actually been sweeping chimneys since the 1700’s, so you might think people would have become used to the idea by now. But with Chimney Sweeping itself being quite an unusual profession, people do tend to do a double take when they see us going about our busy working days.
Chimney Sweeping in the past has been quite a male dominated industry, so we as a business do aim to promote and support Women within the profession and have been pleased to see over the years many more women becoming trained, skilled, professional chimney sweeps, successfully running their own businesses across the UK. Breaking the bias.
HETAS Office
Francesca, Katherine & Frida – Registrations Team

We believe it is important to #breakthebias, whether it be doing your best to break stereotypes with children and not putting limits on them due to their gender, to challenging the differences in how people are spoken to and questioned and the roles they ‘should have’ in society.
We wish to live in a world that is inclusive and free of bias. A world where everyone, regardless of gender, can be celebrated. It can be difficult sometimes but as long as we all try to #breakthebias, we will get there.
Megan, Julia, Lizzie, Nicole & Roxy – Sales & Consumer Team

We are all as good as each other. Your age, gender, ethnic origin or sexual orientation should have no impact on your abilities. It’s time that we eradicate preconceived ideas and be the change in the world we want to see. #breakthebias
Let us know on social what #BreakTheBias means to you…
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