The new HETAS Technical Hub
Expect to receive your login details for the HETAS Technical Hub soon
As a registered business that is required to submit notifications, you can expect to receive your login details for the new and improved Technical Hub in the next couple of days.
If you require these urgently please speak with the registrations team on 01684 278170 who can assist.
Here are some changes you can expect with the new HETAS Technical Hub. Alongside a far more user friendly dashboard and a simplified notification process for both Competent Person Scheme and Biomass Maintenance, we’ve made some major changes to the Technical Hub for you.
- All notifications should be submitted within 10 days of work completion. You will now be unable to submit notifications older than 24 days. This is in line with the Terms & Conditions of HETAS registration and the requirement for us to notify the relevant Local Authority within 30 days of installation.
- You can now edit your business contact details through the Technical Hub. Once you change your contact details, the request will automatically come through the system for the team to approve.
- Operatives will now have their own access to the Technical Hub. They will require their own email address, which is different from the main business contact/responsible person to log in.
- When you sign into the Technical Hub, you will be able to view your notification history, training records, and scheme renewal dates. You will also have the ability to add your upcoming installations, ahead of completing the work and submitting the notification.
Reminder: All HETAS notifications are submitted online through the Technical Hub and you can purchase web credits through your account. If you need any guidance or help with online notifications please contact the registrations team.