Refresher Training
Refresher Training for HETAS Registered Installers
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) (renamed MHCLG in January 2018) is in charge of authorising competent person schemes (CPS). To make sure that the standards are consistent, there are rules that scheme operators must follow and conditions they must meet. Competent Person Schemes (CPS) were introduced by the UK Government to allow individuals and enterprises to self-certify that their work complies with the Building Regulations as an alternative to submitting a building notice or using an approved inspector. A Competent Person must be registered with a scheme that has been approved by The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). HETAS is the only competent person scheme that specialises in the installation of solid fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances.
DCLG have put in place new conditions of authorisation for Competent Persons Scheme providers and their registrants. These new conditions of authorisation come fully into force from June 2014, all schemes, including HETAS, have until this time to put in place operating procedures in line with the new conditions. One requirement is to ensure that HETAS registrants are kept up to date with regulations and standards in order to maintain their technical competence against a National Occupational Standard (NOS) under a Minimum Technical Competence (MTC) assessment. The current and relevant MTC’s require Technical Qualifications to be renewed on a five year cycle. DCLG describes these new CPS regulations as aiming to improve “consistency and transparency, enhancing quality assurance and improving the level of compliance with the Building Regulations.”
From June 2014 all HETAS registrants on the competent person scheme will be required to have attended a training course, or a refresher course, within the last five years. This provides registrants with an 18 month period to bring their training up to date. Refresher courses will be available from Training Centres from February 2013. Details on Refresher courses can be found in the Training section of the HETAS website, alternatively contact your local HETAS Approved Training Centre. If you aren’t sure when you attended your HETAS training course the HETAS team will be more than happy to assist, contact the team on [email protected].
More information on National Occupation Standards (NOS) and Minimum Technical Competencies (MTC) can be found at www.gov.uk.
In addition, HETAS registered installers have recently received a complimentary Technical Handbook, only available to HETAS registered installers. This will be updated periodically with regulations and standards updates. The monthly HETAS E-News will also keep registrants up to speed with the latest regulations and standards along with industry activity. Registrants should make sure we have your current email address.