Training update
With the heating season fast approaching, your mind will no doubt be thinking about the increasing workload and demand the colder weather brings. This will be amplified by increasing interest driven by the current energy crisis.
The HETAS team has seen enquiries about training increasing for some time now. If you are considering taking on extra staff to help cover demand, you might want to consider making sure they are up to speed with the required standards of work. We have also seen a growing number of businesses considering taking on an apprentice.
HETAS has a network of approved training centres across the UK, with each of the centres offering a range of HETAS courses. Whilst the H003 dry installer course remains most popular, enquiries for the H004 wet systems and biomass training have increased as people consider the best ways to heat their homes.
Via the updated HETAS website, it’s even easier to find your local training centre, with each of the centres making HETAS courses easily available through extra course dates over the coming months. You can find your local training centre at hetas.co.uk/trade/training-centres. HETAS training content is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the changing standards and regulations, so you know you and your employees will be getting the most up to date installation training available.
Find out more about the full range of HETAS courses available here.
Back in 2019, HETAS helped develop and was fully supportive of the new four-year Level 3 Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician Apprenticeship. The new course enables apprentices to effectively combine several roles in the one apprenticeship and new Level 3 Standard offers them a choice of four pathways, including Natural Gas, solid fuel, oil and environmental technologies.
From September 2020 the Trailblazer Level 3 programme became the standard. Financial support for this apprenticeship is via government funding. For details on funding bands please visit the Gov.uk website.
If you are considering taking on an apprentice, get in touch with your local college (delivering the Level 3 qualification) to discuss employment opportunities for their apprentices.