When should I get my chimney swept?
When should I get my chimney swept?

Every year HETAS supports Chimney Fire Safety Week which takes place in September.
Annually across the UK, we are seeing declines in instances of chimney fires, between April 2022 and March 2023 there were 2,540 chimney fires in England.
Our team is often asked, “When should I get my chimney swept?”
HETAS encourage having your chimney swept at least twice a year when burning wood and at least once a year when burning smokeless fuels.
The best times to have your chimney swept are just before the start of the heating season and after your stove has not been used over a prolonged period. If sweeping twice a year, the second time should be after the peak of the main heating season.
Use a Professional
HETAS recommends that chimney sweeping is best carried out by a HETAS Approved Chimney Sweep. In order to maintain high standards of sweeping, HETAS is associated with these professional bodies: The Association of Professional Independent Chimney Sweeps (APICS), The Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps (GoMCS), The National Association of Chimney Sweeps (NACS) and Sweep Safe.
Brought to you by Fire Kills and HETAS, the HETAS website provides you with tips and guidance to avoid having a chimney fire.
All HETAS Approved Chimney Sweeps will be able to provide an identity card. Always ask to see identification before a sweep carries out any work.
Further Guidance and Advice
HETAS has produced a range of advice leaflets which can be viewed here.
The HETAS team is available to call on 01684 278170 or email click here to visit our Contact Page.